What Features You Need in Your POS Software for Your Repair Shop
Repair shop software is an essential part of any repair store. Handling everything from POS to inventory management, to CRM and sales & reporting, it’s something that you virtually cannot do without. If you’re going to start a repair business, it’s probably one of the most important things you need to take care of.
There are plenty of POS software out in the market that have a bunch of features for almost all business types. However, being a repair store owner, you’re going to need a specialized set of tools and features to use for your everyday tasks. So, the question arises, what features do you need in your repair store POS software? Here are a few things you should keep an eye out for.
Ticketing and Invoicing
This is the bread and butter of your repair store and should be a really important part of any software that you choose. Creating repair tickets is your major way of keeping track of repairs. They’re going to be the basis on which the repair is done, and is equally important for both the customer and the technician working on the repair.
For the customer, they are going to need a receipt that they can use to claim their repair once it’s completed or keep track of it if it isn’t. For the technician, the repair ticket is essentially a job that is scheduled for them that they need to work on and update the status of. Once the repair is done, you’ll need to generate an invoice for payment, which completes the whole repair process. Software like RepairDesk can easily manage ticketing and invoicing from the main POS screen, which is where you’ll be using it most frequently. From the POS screen, you should be able to generate tickets, look them up, and create receipts effortlessly, so make sure the software that you go for has these features.
Analytics and Data Representation
As a repair store, you’re going to be processing lots of orders and sales. Storing all that information is your system’s job, but what if you want to derive some value out of that data? That’s where analytics comes in.
For any POS system that you choose, see if they have a dedicated dashboard that can show you at a glance key information. We’re talking key stats, graphs, and features that allow you to take a deep-dive into your workings so you can make sense out of everything and plan for your business ahead. These metrics are important, as over time, your software will show you real-time results of the actions that you take. Your ideal POS system should be able to store and present that information in an easy-to-understand manner.
Inventory Management
Every business that deals in tangible goods has an inventory, and it’s your job to make sure that that inventory is being properly managed. To help you out with this, your repair shop software needs to have a great inventory management system that allows you to track, count and reorder your stock easily.
Having a good system that allows for inventory counts is important, as you’ll frequently need to check your stock and make sure it adds up with your requirements. Also important is setting alerts for when your stock runs low and when you need to refresh it. Finally, the system needs to be perfectly in sync with your frontend, so whether you’re using parts in store or offering them online, the system should be able to make the necessary adjustments accordingly.
This one’s actually a very important thing that most people tend to not realize. Your repair shop software needs to be able to make life easier for you at your repair store. For it to achieve that objective, it needs to have a way to make repetitive and trivial tasks work faster and better. That’s where automation comes in.
Through automation, you can schedule changes to be made to the system accordingly, send out notifications, and produce reports so you’re not stuck looking over everything at the end of the day. For instance, if you’ve completed a repair and updated it into the system, it should automatically send a message to the item’s owner on the status. Similarly, if you’d like to see how far your sales have come every week, the system should prepare a report and send it to you on its own every Friday. Automation really is a lifesaver, and most people don’t realize how much it simplifies things, which is why you should absolutely have it in your repair shop software.
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January 11, 2021 · Repair Shop Software,POS Software,Software,Computer Repair Shop,Business
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